That's right... I admit it... I am a big fat loser!
Truth be told... I'm proud of it!
Now before any of you think I'm being negative about myself, I'm not. I've lost 24 pounds in the last 3 weeks & I wanted to share that with my friends & family. I'd got "too big for my britches" as the ol' timers would say & I had to do something about it. I'm ashamed to say it, but I started at 365 pounds. Today I weighed 341 pounds. That's 24 pounds in 3 weeks!
So... I spent the last 3 weeks going through a "body detox" to prepare myself for the next phase. The "detox" involved lots of supplements, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, some fish & water. It wasn't fun, but I can't really say it was that bad. Considering it took me down 2 notches in my belt, I gotta say I kinda liked it. But the detox is over tonight when I go to bed. Starting tomorrow I begin the HCG Diet. I'm very excited about this & thought I would share this information with y'all so I wouldn't have to answer the same questions thousands of times over. So sit back & let me tell you about the upcoming journey.
First off, HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is a glycoprotein produced by women during pregnancy. 70-80 years ago a doctor by the name of A.T.W. Simeons discovered that the use of HCG, along with a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) causes weight lose and reprograms the Hypothalamus. You can look on the web for more info... but that's the Reader's Digest version. Before any of you start freaking out, I am doing this under the supervision of a doctor. I've had lab test done before I started & will have them throughout the program. My hopes are that once I have completed the HCG diet I will have lost another 70+ pounds. Now... back to the journey...
Starting tomorrow morning I will be taking a daily injection of the HCG for 10 weeks. The first 2 days will be "load" days. Sounds crazy, but I will be eating between 3500 and 7000 FAT CALORIES on the "load" days. Starting on the 3rd day, I will begin the VLCD which is 500 calories a day. That few calories have me a bit worried, but I've been assured by several people that it'll work & I will be healthy... so I gonna go on faith & do it. From day 3 forward, I should lose 1-2 pounds per day. DDDDDDAAAAAAANNNNGGGG!!!!
I'm asking each of you for support & encouragement during this time. I know several of you will look into this diet & want to tell me all the negatives you've read on-line. I don't need that. I've read just as much negative as I have positive... no different than what I found when I was researching what TV to buy. If I didn't feel confident enough that this would work, I wouldn't do it. Yes I have a hint of skepticism... but who doesn't when they try something new?! So... again... no negative comments or feedback! As Thumper said, "If you can't say something nice... don't say nothing at all".
So there you have it! Please continue to check back in periodically. I'll try to update you all as often as possible. There may be other stuff posted on here too from time to time, but what else would you expect on a blog called "Fish's Random Thoughts"?
Now... here's some beginner pics from 3 weeks ago.
Here's the pics from today... 24 pounds lighter.
I can't tell much looking, but Jen says my face is thinner. And as I mentioned before, I did go down 2 notches in my belt.... so there's some kind of difference.