Thursday, November 8, 2007


Hey there, kiddos. Welcome to my new blog. I've been wanting to do something like this for a while & finally had a chance to do it today during my lunch hour.

Fish's Random Thoughts is just exactly that... my random thoughts. It will include political stuff (global warming, illegal immigration, media bias, etc.), church, sports, work & just about anything else out there that pops into my head. Some of it will be original & some of it will be what I've read, saw or heard. Whatever it is, I can promise you that it will be something that will offend somebody, somewhere. Not that that's my intention... I just know how people are & somebody always gets offended or their feelings hurt.

I hope you enjoy it & visit it often. Not sure how often I'll get to post, but when I do... it will be worth your while. Let me know what you think about the postings too. Not that it will influence what I write next... but I'd be curious of what you got to say none the less.

God bless & enjoy!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahem. I'm only going to correct the most obscene grammatical error in that blog and ignore the others. It's, "what I've read, seen or heard", not "SAW". While I understand the purpose of a blog is not to be grammatically accurate 100% of the time, I just couldn't let that slide. I'm too anal. It's the INTJ in me.

P.S. I heard your Crazy Catholic neighbor was also your Crazy Catholic Bitch neighbor.